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Saturday, June 8, 2013


Don't hold your breath for the rumored Apple iWatch, as it may not release until late 2014...This wearable tech revolution that we hear so much about keeps getting delayed. First it was Google Glass, which was once expected late this year but is now more likely in early 2014. Now the well-leaked Apple smartwatch(dubbed “iWatch” by the press) might end up being another 2014 release.Late 2014, at that.

Analysts blow smoke out of their arses on a regular basis – especially when it comes to apple products. But the one who made this prediction, Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities, has quite the solid track record. He warns us not to get our hopes up for a 2013 iWatch, saying software and hardware challenges could force Apple to push its ship date back until late 2014:

Apple may not have adequate resources to develop an iWatch version of iOS because it may require big changes to iPhone and iPad iOS this year. In addition, wearable device components aren’t mature. For these reasons, we think mass production of the iWatch is more likely to begin in 2H14, not 2H13 as the market speculates.

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