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Saturday, June 8, 2013


The LapTouch concept is targeted at the creative community (Image: Amir Labidi) Einstein famously maintained that a cluttered desk is a sign of a brilliant mind. However, for many modern designers the desk is not just messy but is also jammed with a mandatory array of PCs, laptops, screens, tablets, and more. French designer Amir Labidi has developed a laptop concept dubbed the “LapTouch” for the creative community, with the specific aim of consolidating design functions and reducing desktop congestion.

As a daily user of a graphics tablet and computer, Labidi says the concept was derived from the difficulty he found positioning a tablet and PC together to be able to press keys while using the pen. These issues, coupled with carrying a separate laptop and graphics tablet on the move, formed the notion of designing a laptop with a built-in graphics tablet.

Though hybrid touchpad laptop models are already available, Labidi’s concept for the LapTouch is aimed at a specific market. The large touchpad also serves as a graphics tablet that features specific touch-sensitive scroll and zoom buttons, to save moving to the keyboard to activate commands. In addition, the touch pad is designed as a removable shell that can be turned to the preferred side

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